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200 Club April & May Draw

200 Club April & May Draw

Steven McLuckie20 May - 18:36
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It’s not too late to join, this months winners are ...

April 2024 Results:
£25; number 169, Pete Walker
£15; number 20, Simon Lewis
£10; number 74, Paul Goodfellow

May 2024 Results:
£25; number 46, Graham Burge
£15; number 139, Derek Warbrick
£10; number 120, Dave Ainge

For over 40 years the Club have run a 200 club which costs a modest £13 a year and provides the club with a fund to spend on various capital projects. It is a low-cost scheme that has several spare numbers available to offer to Club members, ideally suited for club members, or their children or grandchildren

Please consider joining as a way of supporting the Club through these straitened financial times for us. There are 200 numbers in total with each number costing £13 per annum. A draw is made for each month with prizes per month of £25, £15 and £10 for 10 months of the year and £100, £40 and £20 in December and June. The draw is made in an appropriate public setting.

The subscriptions are made by direct debit (or standing order) into the club competition account which is separate from the main account and intended for club development. If you would like to join this club fundraiser it is run by Brian Barrett who can be contacted on or 07701 081485

Further reading